Needle shenanigans

 - Look, there is enough to get high all night. This is good stuff, 100% pure wool.
- What are we waiting for to start guys?
- LILY! She has the needles!... And I hope she won't take the wrong one this time.

FR- J'ai fait du ménage sur mon ordinateur cette semaine (étant donné que je m'en sers dorénavant également pour le boulot) et voilà ce sur quoi je suis tombée... petit cadeau de mon ami tricoteur Frank. Héhé (pour les fans de Breaking Bad ;)
EN- I cleaned my computer this week (necessary given that I now also use it for work) and here is what I found... gift from my friend Frank - because I stole a needle from him last time we saw each other at Starbucks to knit. (For Breaking Bad fans only ;)

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