Kinokuniya house of temptation

Kinokuniya is our big soft spot! It is an awesome Japanese bookstore that also sells great stationery. When John received an email letting us know we had 20% off for the week-end we went a little bit crazy...
Even though Moleskine are insanely expensive in Australia I bought a little diary. 
We saw a trivia game that we HAD to buy: Geek Battle
And then I splurged on paper, enveloppes, and incredibly cool postcards... Here is a selection of my favorite ones:

Kinokuniya est vraiment notre point faible! C'est une super librairie / papeterie japonaise et quand John a reçu un email offrant -20% on s'est légèrement laissé aller...
Les Moleskine soient hors de prix en Australie, donc pour une fois je me suis rabattue sur un agenda petite version, et on a vu un jeu que l'on se devait d'acheter dans le style Trivial Pursuit pour geeks : Geek Battle (et je suis déjà une énorme fan^^).
Enfin j'ai fait des folies au rayon papeterie et j'ai notamment acheté un lot de cartes postales que j'adore - je vais avoir du mal à les envoyer u__u. Voilà une sélection de mes préférées :



  1. Love these. Look forward to hearing more about 'Geek battle' :)

    KnittyNora xx

    1. Haha it is basically a geeky trivia game! But you also have "geek battles" squares on the board every now and then where you have a question with multiple answers and you are supposed to come up with a different one one after another until you repeat one or you can't find a new answer. I LOVE IT but John is already tired of playing with me u__u (too good.. too good.. :p)


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