Je parlais justement de Wool and the Gang dans un précédent post, et il se trouve que la marque propose un concours sur facebook. Les résultats étant lundi 12 septembre (et le message datant d'hier), je suppose qu'on peut y participer jusque là. Elle offrira au gagnant un kit de la nouvelle collection.
Voici le lien pour participer, il suffit de partager sur leur mur une "purl of wisdom", c'est-à-dire une astuce de tricot.
Qui participe ?
I was talking about Wool and the Gang in a previous post and it turns out that the brand is presenting a challenge on facebook. Here is the message : "Please share with everyone by posting on our wall your 'purls of wisdom' - a knitting tip or trick you use to take your skill to the next level! For example, we like to slip the first stitch of every row in order to create a neat looking edge. We will choose a winner Monday September 12! Winner will receive a free kit from our new collection.
Get creative!" and click here to participate.
Who's in?
Hope you win babe :) By the way it would be great if you had a gallery with pictures of all the awesome knitting projects you have finished.