I've discovered this pin buttons in the knitting forum on Madmoizelle.com, one of the girls had put one as her avatar and after a little bit of searching, I've found the Ebay store Zippy Pins a button-badge emporium. In the 'Knitting' category, you can see these little wonders (already ordered the first one :p) :
Afficher ses convictions // Show what you believe in
J'ai découvert ces badges sur le forum tricot de Madmoizelle.com, l'une des Madz en avait mis un en avatar et après un peu de recherche, je suis tombée sur la boutique Zippy Pins a button-badge emporium sur Ebay. Dans la catégorie 'Knitting', on peut trouver ces merveilles (j'ai déjà commandé le premier :p) :
I've discovered this pin buttons in the knitting forum on Madmoizelle.com, one of the girls had put one as her avatar and after a little bit of searching, I've found the Ebay store Zippy Pins a button-badge emporium. In the 'Knitting' category, you can see these little wonders (already ordered the first one :p) :
I've discovered this pin buttons in the knitting forum on Madmoizelle.com, one of the girls had put one as her avatar and after a little bit of searching, I've found the Ebay store Zippy Pins a button-badge emporium. In the 'Knitting' category, you can see these little wonders (already ordered the first one :p) :
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Cool ! Merci pour l'info, j'adore ces badges ! Je découvre ton blog grâce à Ravelry et je suis ravie ! Hop là je continue ma visite ;)